Installation - Installation Instructions for SOTESHOP Store

Find out how to install the SOTESHOP online store. Check what you need before the installation process and how the installation process itself will look step by step. Thanks to this instruction you will easily start your adventure with our store.

Remember that you can set up a free Demo of the full version of the program:

Before you start you need

  • an FTP client program (e.g. FileZilla)
  • a MySQL database: name, login, password and server address
  • hosting on a server with PHP (standard hosting service) with the possibility of changing the root directory of the domain (the directory to which the domain points)
  • about 10 minutes of time

It is not possible to install SOTESHOP software in a subdirectory of the domain, e.g. - the shop must have its own domain or subdomain, e.g.


  1. Download the installation package from the website Page with a link to download the installation package
  2. Unpack the package on the server. There are 4 ways to do this:
    • In the SSH console, go to the directory /path/to/your/account/ and enter the command
      tar -zxvpf soteshop-admin-latest.tar.gz
      The system will create the directory /path/to/your/account/soteshop/
    • In the server management panel, go to the File Manager and unpack the package
    • On the server, create a file unpack.php and fill it with the code:
          system("/bin/tar -zxvpf ./soteshop-admin-latest.tar.gz");
      Redirect the domain to the directory where the files unpack.php and soteshop-admin-latest.tar.gz are located and enter the address in the browser
      The unpacking script will be launched
    • Ask the administrator of your server to unpack the installation package.
  3. Set your domain to the directory /path/to/your/account/soteshop/web/ and start the installation Wybór języka instalacji
  4. Enter the License Number and press the Next button.
  5. A license number is required
  6. To proceed to the next step Accept the license and press the Next button. Acceptance of the license is required
  7. The system checks if the server meets the technical requirements. If all requirements are met, press the Next button and proceed to the next step. If any of the technical requirements are not met, contact the server administrator and ask them to reconfigure the server settings. Otherwise, the SOTESHOP store installation will not be possible. Requirements that the server must meet
  8. Enter the access data for the clean database that will be the store's database.

    Make sure that the database has the encoding utf8_unicode_ci.

    Fill in the fields:

    • Database server address,
    • Database name,
    • Database user name,
    • Password (forbidden characters in the password): @, #, /, \).

    After filling in the data correctly, press the Next button to proceed to downloading the files.

    Configuring a database connection

    To change the encoding, log in to the phpMyAdmin panel and then:

    1. Select the database,
      Database list in the PHPMyAamin panel
    2. Select the Operations tab, Database operations menu in the PHPMyAdmin panel
    3. Change the String comparison method to utf8_unicode_ci,
    4. Press the Go button.
  9. Wait for all the shop packages to be downloaded. Downloading Soteshop files
  10. After downloading all the shop packages, press the Next button and proceed to the next step. Download completion
  11. The actual installation of the store is in progress. Store installation
  12. After installing the store, press the Next button and proceed to the next step. Store installation completion
  13. Select the default graphic theme and store configuration. Default store settings
  14. Wait until the default settings are saved. Saving store configuration
  15. After you finish configuring the store, press the Next button and go to the final information.
  16. Completion of saving store configuration
  17. In the final information you will find the URLs:
    • of the store,
    • of the Admin Panel,
    • of the Store Update Panel.
    Final information of the installation
  18. Before the first launch of the panel, register the license and set the access data to the panel:
    • login = your e-mail address,
    • password.
    Registration of the store license
  19. Check the entered data and go to the Admin Panel.
    Information about the created administrator account
  20. Enter your login and password.
    Shop panel login screen
  21. Log in.

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