Przelewy24 - Payments offering solutions for e-commerce.

Use the services of the Przelewy24 service. This gives your online store the ability to conduct transactions on all devices and using many payment methods - fast transfers, BLIK, credit cards, mobile payments (Apple Pay, Google Pay), electronic wallets or installments.
Create an account with Przelewy24

Table of Contents

In the admin panel, select ApplicationsPrzelewy24 Przelewy24 module icon

Integration configuration with Przelewy24

Przelewy24 configuration
  1. Select Enable,
  2. Enter Merchant ID,
  3. Enter CRC key,

    Download from the Przelewy24 panel (in the My data tab).

  4. Press the Save button.

When Automatic redirection is selected, the store will automatically go to the payment page after placing the order

Payment channel configuration

  1. Select Enable payment channel selection, Przelewy24 configuration
  2. Enter Report key,

    Download from the Przelewy24 panel (API key in the My data tab).

  3. Click Save,
  4. Select Payment channels available to customers,
  5. In the Highlight payments on the product card field, select payments that should be highlighted on the product card,
  6. Choose from: BLIK and PayPo.

  7. In the Highlight payments in the cart field, select the channels visible when selecting payments in the cart,
  8. Press the Save button.
Przelewy24 configuration

Przelewy24 Test Mode

Test mode works after activating the SANDBOX account in the Przelewy24 service.

  1. Enter the Merchant ID,
  2. Enter the CRC Key,

    A different CRC key is needed for test mode than for production mode.

  3. Check Test mode,
  4. Press the Save button.

See how to enable a new payment in the store

Related documentation

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