
This returns a list of producers. The list can be shortened by using the parameters _offset and _limit.

  • Input data type => object
  • Output data type => array

Input Parameters

  1. _session_hash (string)

    Required. Session identifier (received during login - doLogin)

  2. _offset (integer)

    Required. Defines the offset of the results by a specified offset.

  3. _limit (integer)

    Required. Defines the number of results in the query.

  4. _modified_from (dateTime)

    Defines the modification date from which the results will be displayed. Time in unixtime format.

  5. _modified_to (dateTime)

    Defines the modification date to which the results will be displayed. Time in unixtime format.

Output data

  1. created_at (dateTime)

    Entry creation date.

  2. updated_at (dateTime)

    Entry last modification date.

  3. id (integer)

    Producer identifier

  4. name (string)

    Producer name.

  5. image (string)

    File encoded with base64 method

  6. image_filename (string)

    File name containing producer logo

  7. url (string)

    Friendly link

  8. link(string)

    Full link to producer