Shopping basket - configuration on the order page and product card.

At SOTESHOP you can change the elements displayed in the cart. Depending on whether you are selling to individual customers, b2b or industry specifics, you can change the displayed elements such as net price, vat field, unit of measure. Additionally, you can specify whether the product card should have the option to change the number of pieces or hide the cart.

Table of Contents

In the admin panel, select ApplicationsCart Cart module icon

Cart configuration

Cart configuration

Enabling the cart without reloading the page

  1. Check Add product without reloading the page,
  2. Press the Save button.
Cart without reloading the page in the store

Setting the number of pieces limit of a given product in the cart

  1. Enter Limit the number of pieces of a given product,
  2. Press the Save button.

Cart appearance configuration

  1. Check Show code,
  2. Check Show photo,
  3. Check Show net field,
  4. Check Show VAT field,
  5. Check Show unit of measure field,
  6. Press the Save button.
Appearance of products in the cart in the store

Configuring the Cart Function

In the admin panel, select ApplicationsProducts Product Module IconConfiguration

Go to the Cart section.

Product Configuration - Cart Section

Hiding the Cart

Orders cannot be placed in the store. The store will function as a product catalog.

  1. Check Hide Cart,
  2. Press the Save button.
Hidden Cart in Store

Enabling the Ability to Enter the Number of Pieces in the Cart on the Product Card

  1. Check Enable the ability to enter the number of pieces on the product card,
  2. Press the Save button.
Number of Pieces at the Add to Cart Button in the Store

Related documentation

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