Operating System
The program can be run on various operating systems: Linux, Mac OS X. For production purposes, the store must be run on a server with an operating system
Linux /
Unix /
Mac OS X.
Apache 2.0 - 2.4
- mod_rewrite
- support for .htaccess files
- HTTP authorization
PHP 7.1.x - 7.4.x, recommended 7.4.x
- PHP running with user privileges e.g. suphp
- PHP Options
- soap
- xml
- mbstring
- gd
- jpeg
- png
- curl
- freetype
- mysql
- xsl
- posix
- pdo (MySQL, SQLite)
- mcrypt
- Memory for PHP scripts - 128MB
- Script execution time - 30 seconds
- session.auto_start disabled
- session.use_trans_sid disabled
- Ability to run PHP scripts from the Cron system (automation of Un*x tasks).
- MySQL min. 5.0 - max. 8
- SQLite
- database encoding UTF-8 (utf8_unicode_ci)
- ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY option disabled
Disk Space
The program has a volume of about 200MB and contains about 20,000 files. Taking into account products and data, the following is required:
- for 5000 products
- 500 MB
- limit not less than 50,000 files
- for 10,000 products
System Requirements for Store Customers
To properly display the content of the SOTESHOP store, you must use the latest version of a web browser on any operating system. The SOTESHOP software has been optimized to work with the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Safari (only on Mac OS X. Apple does not support browsers on Windows).
- Opera
- Firefox
- Edge
The browser must allow the use of JavaScript mechanisms and allow the storage of cookies.
As part of our SOTESHOP software, we use cookies to optimize the display of page content. The cookies generated by the store do not contain any personal data or store individual user information. The data stored in the cookies only contains information about the display of page elements.