If you want to integrate with a warehouse but it is not on the list of integrations, contact us by writing to office@sote.pl and we will check the possibilities of integration with the SOTESHOP online store.

Regardless of ready integrations, we perform individual imports for stores. Individual imports may also include imports from WebStore, but with other than standard settings and individual modifications.

All integrations are based on a new import system, which includes the following features:

  • Import and update of product data: name, description, price, stock status, photos, etc.
  • Automatic and cyclic import.
  • Number of imports without limits.
  • Advanced management of imported product categories.
  • Margins for the entire assortment or individual import categories.
  • Ability to exclude part of the assortment from import.
  • Setting product availability based on data in warehouse files.
  • Linking and marking products imported from a given warehouse.
  • Independent option for importing photos.
  • Import of product attributes.
  • Ability to download data from several files.
  • Support for different data formats.
  • Integration with a task schedule.
  • Report on imports performed.