Description of the SOTESHOP XML file format

The file contains the store's offer in XML format. You can generate the file in the admin panel and then attach it in a periodic import to another store.

Table of Contents

Basic Product Values

  • <products> - main products node,
  • <products><product> - individual product entry
    • code - unique product code (required)
    • active - product activity status (true or false)
    • ean - product ean code
  • <name> - product name (required)
  • <description> - full product description in html format
  • <shortDescription> - short product description
  • <photos> - main photos node
  • <photos><photo> - product photo - contains absolute link to product photo
    • main - main product photo (true or false)
  • <tax> - VAT rate (double)
  • <price> - product price
    • type - price type (netto or brutto)
  • <oldPrice> - old product price
    • type - price type (netto or brutto)
  • <wholesales> - main node of wholesales
  • <wholesales><price> - product price for wholesalers
    • type - type of price (netto or brutto)
    • group - group of wholesalers available values: a, b or c.
  • <categories> - main node of categories
  • <categories><category> - names of categories separated by "/"
    • main - main product category (true or false)
  • <stock> - stock state
    • unit - unit of measure
  • <producer> - producer name
  • <weight> - product weight
  • <url> - product link

Structure of Basic Product Data in the File

<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<product code="Product Code" active="true" ean="EAN Code">
<name>Product Name</name>
<description>Product Description in HTML<description>
<shortDescription>Short Product Description</shortDescription>
<photo main="true">URL address of the main photo</photo>
<photo>URL address of the photo</photo>
<tax>VAT rate</tax>
<price type="netto">Product price</price>
<oldPrice type="netto">Old product price</oldPrice>
<price type="netto" group="a">Wholesale price A</price>
<price type="netto" group="b">Wholesale price B</price>
<price type="netto" group="c">Wholesale price C</price>
<category main="true">
<stock unit="unit of measure">stock level</stock>
<producer>Producer name</producer>
<url>Link in the store</url>


  • <attributes> - main attributes node
    • title - optional title - replaces the word "Attributes" on the product card
  • <attributes><attribute> - product attribute
    • name - attribute name
    • type - attribute type, values:
      • T - text
      • B - true/false
      • C - color

Attributes of a Product in a File

  • <attributes><attribute><value> - attribute value
    • color - color - value in hex or absolute url of the image

Structure of Attributes of a Product in a File

<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<product code="Product Code" active="true">
<attributes title="Optional title">
<attribute name="Attribute Name" type="T">
<value>Attribute Value</value>
<value>Attribute Value</value>
<attribute name="Attribute Name" type="B">
<value checked="true"/>
<attribute name="Colors" type="C">
<value color="#9FC131">Green</value>
<value color="#4477C2">Blue</value>
<value color="#C2301D">Red</value>

Product Options

  • <options> - main node of product options
    • priceType - type of price for the given price modifiers of the option (net or gross)
  • <options><option> - Product Option
    • name - option name
  • <options><option><value> - option value
    optional parameters:
    • name - option value
    • price - price modifier +/-
    • oldPrice - old price
    • weight - weight
    • stock - stock level for option
    • code - product code
    • ean - manufacturer code

Product Option Structure in File

Simple Option. Size with S and M selection.

<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<product code="Product Code" active="true">
<options priceType="brutto">
<option name="Size">
<value name="S" price="+10" old_price="200.00" weight="+20" stock="4.00" code="Option Code" ean="Option Manufacturer Code"/>
<value name="M"/>

Nested Option - Color and Size. Color selection determines size.

<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<product code="Product Code" active="true">
<options priceType="brutto">
<option name="Color">
<value name="Green">
<option name="Size">
<value name="S" stock="10"/>
<value name="M" stock="8"/>
<value name="L" stock="1"/>
<value name="Red"/>
<option name="Size">
<value name="S" stock="5"/>
<value name="M" stock="6"/>
<value name="L" stock="3"/>
<value name="XL" stock="3"/>

Basic Product Values

<xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<product code="A0001" active="true" ean="1234567890123">
<name>Wireless Speaker</name>
<description><h2>Full Product Description</h2><p>This is the main product description. If it is long, divide it into sections and mark the section titles as headings (Formats>Heading->Heading 2 or Heading 3). In the heading and description, it is worth including keywords related to the product. This will make it easier to search for the product in search engines. Use natural language.</p><p>Remember to leave spaces between longer pieces of text. Try to <strong> avoid too many highlights </strong>, , changes in text size and colors. A better presented and readable text positively affects the time customers spend on the product page.</p></description>
<shortDescription>Describe the product in a few short sentences. It is worth starting with the values that the purchase gives and adding the most important information.</shortDescription>
<photo main="true"></photo>
<price type="brutto">130</price>
<category main="true">Categories/Accessories</category>
<stock unit="szt.">5</stock>
<producer>Traditional Way</producer>

Example File for Import

Download an XML file with 3 sample products.

Related Documentation

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