Integration with Google Custom Search

Google Custom Search is a tool created by Google that allows you to customize the search engine to the needs of a specific website or store.

The integration allows for advanced search in the store using Google Custom Search. Thanks to this feature, the store's search engine also presents search results from Google, which include all indexed store pages.

Google Custom Search allows for up to 100 free queries per day, by default after exceeding 100 queries the module stops displaying query results for that day. You can pay for additional use of the google API in the google panel to increase the query limit up to 100,000.

Benefits of Google Custom Search Integration

  • Additional search results, not only for products, but for the entire domain content.
  • Matching search to natural language queries, similar to Google.
  • Showing pages related to the query.
  • Including queries with typos and errors.
  • Ability to connect multiple pages/domains.
  • Greater effectiveness in searching for products.
  • No ads and displaying only results related to the store.
  • Passing additional search information to Google, which affects better SEO.
  • Increasing the time spent on the page by users.
  • Personalization of search results.