ADS Tracker. Questions and Answers.
ADS Tracker - an application that allows for reporting sales from ads. What are its advantages? Is it for me? How does it differ from Google and Facebook reports? Questions and answers.

Read the article about the new application: ADS Tracker. Measuring the effectiveness of advertising
Is ADS Tracker for me?
We recommend installing ADS Tracker in any store that uses Google, Facebook ads or provides links to the store on other sites. Thanks to full integration with the store's software, it contains information that is not available to external services.
What are the most important features of ADS Tracker?
- Longer conversion recognition time: from 30 to 180 days.
- Information about acquisition from the ad directly in the order.
- Avoiding duplication of sales data.
- Reporting and comparing data from multiple platforms.
- Eliminating restrictions related to the introduction of iOS14.
How will changes in iOS14 affect my store?
In short - measuring the effectiveness of advertising will be very difficult and half of the conversion data will be missing in the reports.
Apple is introducing restrictions in the iOS14 system that will change the operation of popular advertising platforms, including Google and Facebook. It will affect all users. It is estimated that a noticeable decrease in reported conversions will be around 40-60%. Changes may appear at any time. As of 2021-03-10, Apple has not yet provided an exact date for the introduction of restrictions.
How does ADS Tracker differ from Google and Facebook reports?
The most important differences:
- Much longer conversion reporting time, especially after changes in iOS14.
- Both Google and Facebook count data in different ways. ADS Tracker has the same algorithm for each platform and allows for comparison of results counted in the same way.
- ADS Tracker assigns a transaction to one platform, Google and Facebook consider that almost every transaction is acquired thanks to them, which causes duplication of data on platforms.
- ADS Tracker allows you to add your own platform, e.g. grouping links on partner sites, blogs or YouTube.
See the comparison of ADS Tracker, Google and Facebook advertising options in the product description: ADS Tracker
Does ADS Tracker replace Google and Facebook reports?
No. ADS Tracker reports are a complement to the data available on Google and Facebook platforms. We recommend comparing data from different platforms, especially conversion data.
How to use the new platform in ADS Tracker?
Platforms, like campaigns, allow grouping of advertising links. We can add, for example, 10 links that we share with partners. If someone enters from such a link and makes a purchase, this information will appear in the order and in the reports.
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ADS Tracker - this is a new application that allows you to measure the effectiveness of advertising and sales from any store link. It supports advertising on Google and Facebook.
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