Online Store SOTESHOP 8.1.3
A new version of SOTESHOP 8.1.3 has been released. Since the last update, we have introduced a total of 30 improvements, including the Allegro integration update, express delivery options, new imports from wholesalers and adding orders through WebApi.

List of changes in SOTESHOP 8.1.3 version
- Deliveries: Adding the ability to define express delivery for a selected type of delivery.
- Cyclic import: Adding the option to connect to the wholesaler and download data via ftp.
- Cyclic import: Adding the option "Disable product category updates".
- Wholesalers: Updating the integration with the Zoohurt wholesaler.
- Graphics: Adding the "Watch" graphic to the store's software standard.
- Wholesaler: Updating the integration with the Playroom wholesaler.
- Products: Corrections to the appearance of the short description on the product card.
- Polish Post: Correction of the transfer of the phone number.
- Polish Post: Adding extensions for future modifications.
- WebApi: Corrections to the transfer of special characters in order data.
- Allegro: Corrections to the menu in the panel.
- Products: Adding the ability to select the presentation of the product's stock level for a product with options in the product configuration. An additional option "Display Stock Level as" was added to the Product Options section: maximum or total sum.
- eService: Correction of data verification during payment configuration.
- Webstore: New updated application "Print multiple orders".
- Graphics: Corrections to the Watch graphic.
- Wholesalers: Updating the integration with the INNPRO wholesaler.
- Cyclic import: New integration with the B3 wholesaler.
- Cyclic import: Correction of the deactivation mechanism of products.
- Cyclic import: The import configuration was supplemented with the option Configuration "Remove products with excluded categories".
- Popup application: Correction of the mechanism for closing the popup window.
- Cyclic import: Optimization of downloading import files.
- Polish Post: Correction of problems when sending a shipment for lower php versions than 7.4.x.
- Banners: Adding the Video link (mp4) field in the banner edit, which allows you to use a video banner from outside the store's domain.
- Wholesalers: Update integration with Topex Group wholesaler.
- Soteshop XML: Fix special character exporting in attributes.
- Orders: Fix 500 error on orders list entry, Fix compatibility with PHP 7.1.x
- Graphics: Fix preview in graphics edit with CSP option enabled.
- Countries: Fix country assignment - remove Great Britain from European Union countries list.
- Discounts: Fix 500 error on attempt to create discount code which already exists.
- WebApi: Adding orders through API.
Store Update
If you no longer have access to updates, take advantage of the new offer and individual discount.
Updates and technical support are now available in the form of subscription plans. As part of this service, we also provide an update to version 8. We have prepared an individual discount for each of our existing customers.
Choose the new SOTESHOP offer with an individual discount.
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We have added a new express delivery feature to the SOTESHOP online store. Now the customer will be able to easily select a faster delivery of the order, and the seller can define an additional fee for such a service. The feature is available as standard in SOTESHOP 8. We encourage you to update your store.
The Allegro catalog contains over 23,056 categories and 413,903,522 products. We have prepared an extensive report and analysis of the Allegro catalog, which will help you better understand its structure and find the best places for your store's offer. See the comparison of categories and the number of products in each section, check the offers directly in the catalog.