SOTESHOP 8.3.1 Online Store
A new version of the SOTESHOP online store, version 8.3.1, has been released. Below is a summary of the changes covering both SOTESHOP 8.3.0 and 8.3.1. We have introduced a total of 62 improvements, including a product Q&A module, security fixes, two-factor authentication (2FA), Assistant and Chat AI, delivery updates, graphics, and much more.

Assistant and Chat AI
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SOTESHOP 8.3.1 Version Changes
- Admin Panel: Added two-factor authentication for the panel.
- Watch Theme: Added the ability to change the background color of the cart content window and the font color of the subcategory menu in the mobile version in the theme graphics configuration.
- DPD Pickup: Fixes for editing the waybill in the store panel.
- Ads Tracker: Optimization of the module database tables.
- Autopay Payments: Updated Blik payment functionality on the store side.
- Wholesalers: Integration adjustments with Playroom due to changes in the wholesaler's XML file structure.
- Social Links: Expanded module to include TikTok and Threads.
- Deliveries: Updated the Inpost pickup point saving mechanism.
- Cosmo Theme: Ability to change the button background color on the banner in the theme graphics configuration.
- Cart: Fixed cart error when no payments are active in the store.
- Electro Theme: Fixed the ability to change the price color in the product box in the theme graphics configuration.
- Themes: Added the ability to change the font type in the layout configuration for themes: Watch, Giallo, Cosmo, Cutlery, Climb, and Passo. Additionally, the Passo theme now allows changing the header font.
- Themes:
- Added to the Cosmo theme graphics configuration the ability to change the header font color in the mobile version
- Fixed the display of the horizontal menu when there are many subcategories in one category in the Cosmo, Watch, and Piccante themes.
- Themes: Fixed the display of recently viewed items on the product page in the Cosmo and Passo themes.
- Informational Pages: Improvements to the display of links in the store footer. Balanced display of link groups in the footer.
- Electro Theme:
- Fixed text color display in the footer,
- Fixed the display of additional banner systems from the webstore.
- Products: Added a product Q&A module.
- Deliveries: Fixed the "allow only for selected products" option in the delivery edit.
- Climb Theme:
- Fixed the display of the shortened description in the product list,
- Updated the mechanism for changing the name and description colors for categories on the homepage in the theme graphics configuration in the store panel.
- Electro Theme: Fixed the color change of attribute options.
- Cart: Improved the display of delivery costs in the cart in the mobile version.
- Cosmo Theme: Fixes for displaying the theme on Windows systems:
- Background color of the manufacturer list,
- Font display in subcategories.
- Customers: Updated the mechanism for switching customer personal data between "Individual Customer" and "Company" options in the store cart.
- Search: Fixed the display of the search window in selected themes.
- Product: Fixes for displaying additional descriptions on the product page in the mobile version.
- Security: Changed the way the security module configuration is saved in the store panel.
- Update Panel: Fixed the refresh function in the bottom right corner of the update panel.
- Opengraph: Fixed saving the module configuration in the store admin panel.
- Themes: Fixed collapsing and expanding the menu in the mobile version of the store.
- Deliveries: Fixed saving of pickup points, e.g., Inpost, in store cart deliveries.
- Blog: Fixed the blog link functionality in the mobile version when the blog has no categories.
- SOTE AI: AI Assistant (Chat AI) linked to products in the store in SOTE AI PRO.
- Categories: Added the ability to configure whether the category description image is displayed on desktop and mobile.
- Products: Fixed the display of tabs and reviews on the product page.
- Products: Fixed the quantity control functionality. Consideration of the maximum and minimum product quantity limits for some graphic themes on the product page.
- Product FAQ: Fixed the character limit in the question from the admin panel.
- Electro Theme: Fixes for the social links section:
- Ability to change phrases from the panel,
- Ability to change the color of links,
- Ability to change the color of headers in the footer on hover.
- SOTE AI: Chat AI:
- New feature: discount codes in Chat AI,
- Fixed messages in the store panel,
- Configuration fixes.
- SOTE AI: Fixed sending offer data to SOTE AI.
- Cart: Enabled the default cart option without page reload after store installation.
- Administrators: New two-factor verification option (2FA). Now you can use mobile apps like Google Authenticator or Authy (Twilio) to additionally secure your account in the panel.
- SOTE AI: Fixed sending store data to SOTE AI PRO.
- Task Scheduler: Fixed data entry in the configuration related to data imports from wholesalers to the store.
- Watch Theme: Added the ability to change the search engine color. Currently, the color is the same as the header.
SOTESHOP 8.3.0 Version Changes
- Products: Fixed the mechanism for deactivating the cart button when the product is out of stock in the product options on the product page.
- Product Interest: Fixed translation of the popup in the English version.
- Bianco, Futura, and Ristorante Themes: Fixed the display of the category tree in the store.
- Products: Optimized the mechanism for saving the quantity of sold products.
- Wholesalers: Updated store integration with Eurofirany wholesaler. Adapted to the new XML file.
- DPD and DPD Pickup: Updated the display of messages from DPD in the store admin panel.
- VAT Rates: Fixed saving VAT rate to the store cache.
- Language Versions: Fixed saving the language version to the session in case of redirection to another domain.
- Products: Added the "Similar Products" feature, which can be displayed on the product page.
- SOTE AI: Added "AI search" and "suggested products" features.
- Google Shopping: Added information about free shipping for Google Merchant.
- Security: Updates in selected modules.
- Themes: Fixed product display configuration in:
- Recently viewed products on the product page,
- Similar products on the product page,
- Recommended products in a blog post.
- SOTE AI: Fixed exporting store offer data to SOTE AI via task scheduler.
- VAT Rates: Fixed VAT EU function for individual customers.
- International SEO: Fixed hreflang for subsequent product list pages.
- Cart: Fixed cart display when no delivery is active.
- Wholesalers: Fixed data fetching from Darymex wholesaler.
Updates are available by default for all SOTESHOP 8 stores with SOTESHOP Start, Standard, PRO, or VIP subscription services. Check the store update documentation: Update Documentation
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Check out the new version of the SOTESHOP 8 store.
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We are pleased to announce that a new two-factor authentication (2FA) option has been introduced in our shop panel. Now you can use mobile applications such as Google Authenticator or Authy (Twilio) to additionally secure your account. With this method, when logging in from a new device, a one-time code generated by the app on your phone will be required.
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Last week, we launched Chat AI, which allows for conversation with the AI Assistant and helps with shopping. Now we are introducing another feature that allows searching and recommending products using AI during the conversation. As the first company in Poland and one of the first in the world, we offer this type of ready-made solution in e-commerce software. Check out Chat AI and stay ahead of the competition by light years.