Online Store SOTESHOP 8.1.1
A new version of SOTESHOP 8.1.1 has been released. Since the last update, we have introduced a total of 46 improvements, including new integrations with wholesalers, deferred payments and Comfino installments and a new "Watch" store graphics.

List of changes in SOTESHOP 8.1.1 version
- Comfino: Integration with a new payment system for b2c and b2b customers in the SOTESHOP online store. Deferred payments and installments.
- Graphics: New "Watch" graphics.
- Wholesalers: Corrections to Lange Łukaszuk wholesaler import.
- Przelewy24: Update of Przelewy24 payments, correction of error messages in case of incorrect payment configuration.
- Wholesalers: Update of the store's integration with the GrupaTopex wholesaler.
- Cyclic import: SOTESHOP XML - Correction of product attribute export.
- Google Translator: Adding a translator for the mobile version.
- Google Translator: Displaying independently of the enabled language versions
- Wholesalers: Integration with the MADA wholesaler.
- WebAPI: Correction of correct type conversion when returning data.
- Search: Adding search by product option manufacturer code.
- Products: Change in the presentation of the category filter on the product list in the administrative panel.
- Cyclic import update and corrections: manual import, validation, logs, error messages.
- Wholesalers: Integration with the Darymex wholesaler.
- Google Analytics: Update of Google Analytics. Corrections for the purchase event for the newer GA4 format.
- Administrative panel: Update of lists in the store's administrative panel. Changes improve the convenience of working with the store for larger screens.
- Wholesalers: Integration with the Markizeta wholesaler.
- Store page: Changes in pagination. Adding a link to the first page on each subpage. Recommended SEO change.
- Wholesalers: Integration with the Bio Planet wholesaler.
- Poczta Polska: Update of integration with Poczta Polska. Adding Pocztex 2.0 - Courier and Pocztex 2.0 - Na Dziś services.
- Ceneo: Adding the option "Do not export products with a warehouse stock level equal to 0" to the configuration.
- Price History: Updating the price history mechanism.
- Periodic Import: Updating the export to SOTESHOP XML, corrections related to prices.
- Facebook: Updating the Facebook pixel. Updating the event of adding a product to the cart.
- Reviews: Fixing the display of the photo in the review when Polish diacritical characters are used.
- Categories: Fixes to the display of categories on the store page.
- Poczta Polska: Poczta Polska - Adding support for "Miejsce nadania" for "Pocztex 2.0 - Kurier".
- PayNow: Paynow payments - fixing the mechanism for saving the payment status change.
- Orders: Last sold products summary - expansion.
- Orders: Adding the option to mark the product in progress at the order level + saving the person who marked the option.
- Wholesalers: Adding integration with the Najlepsze dla niemowląt wholesaler.
- Language Versions: Adding missing translations for the German version.
- SOTESHOP: Changes in the operation of popup mechanisms: simplifying the triggering of actions.
- Wholesalers: SOTESHOP store integration with InnPro wholesaler.
- Wholesalers: Integration with Playroom wholesaler.
- Wholesalers: Integration with Dmtrade wholesaler.
- Periodic Import: Optimization fixes to the product import mechanism from wholesalers.
- Blog: SEO fixes for the blog link.
- Periodic Import: Periodic import, fixes for adding a product with options.
- Wholesalers: Fixes for the import from Lange Łukaszuk wholesaler related to downloading products with a zero warehouse stock.
- SOTESHOP: Accepting utf8mb3_unicode_ci encoding in the store database.
- Wholesalers: Integration with Beauty System wholesaler.
- Products: Fixing the assignment of a product to a product group in basic edition.
- Wholesalers: Integration of the SOTESHOP store with the Textiledeco wholesaler.
- Allegro: Fixing the product search to use the new phrase and mode parameters instead of the withdrawn ean parameter.
- Wholesalers: Integration with Zoohurt wholesaler.
Store Update
If you no longer have access to updates, take advantage of the new offer and individual discount.We currently offer updates and technical support in the form of subscription plans. As part of this service, we also provide an update to version 8. We have prepared an individual discount for each of our previous customers.
Choose the new SOTESHOP service with an individual discount.
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A new version of SOTESHOP 8.1 has been released. Since the release of SOTESHOP 8, there have been a total of 273 updates. Thus, SOTESHOP 8 is once again the fastest growing e-commerce platform in Poland. See the full list of changes divided into individual versions.
As of August 1, 2022, another important change related to the transformation of the offer base into a product catalog has come into effect on Allegro. This means that in many categories, the optional EAN code will be required when adding each new offer, which was previously optional. If you are not yet using the new Allegro catalog, this is your last call to start.
With the introduction of version 8, we have changed our offer for SOTESHOP, but for customers who have been with us for years, we always have special conditions. Check your individual discount for your store.