Online Store SOTESHOP 8.1.4
A new version of SOTESHOP 8.1.4 has been released. Since the last update, we have introduced a total of 37 improvements, including new warehouses, delivery options, Allegro update, integration with DPD, free add-on "Pack for a Gift" and "Climb" graphics.

List of changes in SOTESHOP 8.1.4 version
- Graphics: Watch theme - fix for incorrect product card display when selecting the "One column" option in the layout configuration.
- Graphics: Watch theme - adding video banners after shop installation.
- Cyclic import: Fix for product updates with the "Disable product category updates" option enabled.
- Blog: Fixes for the order of displaying products in the blog entry in the Recommended Products tab.
- Blog: Fix for searching for posts in the Recommended Posts field when editing a blog post.
- Data migration: Import data from Woocommerce.
- Websites: Fix for indexing page blocking.
- Warehouses: Update of the integration with the BossOfToys warehouse: fixes for the "Do not add products with zero stock" option.
- Products: Adding filtering by the manufacturer code field to the list of products in the admin panel.
- Products: Fixes for saving the product price history.
- Webapi: Fix for missing fields when calling the stOrder::GetOrderList method.
- Webapi: Fix for returning the correct value for the invoice issuance request.
- Attributes: Fix for the operation of editing variants in the shop admin panel.
- Printing product card: Fix for linking to printing on the product card.
- Orders: Fix for database compatibility with MySQL 8.x
- Warehouses: New integration with the Panda Furniture warehouse.
- Allegro: Fix for importing orders in the Task Schedule.
- Cyclic import: Fix for updating stock levels for product options.
- Contact form: Improvement of the display of the form on all graphic themes.
- Products: Fix for deleting a product from the home page product group from the product edit in the admin panel.
- Graphics: Cutley theme - adding video banners after shop installation.
- Wholesalers: New integration with Hellux lamp wholesaler.
- Customers: Fix for deleting customer data and delivery data from the customer edit level in the store's admin panel.
- Graphics: Fixes for video banner alignment.
- eService: Fixes for the payment disable mechanism in the store panel.
- Wholesalers: New integration with Nowodvorsky wholesaler.
- Wholesalers: New integration with Caro Group wholesaler.
- Wholesalers: Update integration with BossOfToys wholesaler: Fixes for product image downloading.
- Deliveries: Fix for the delivery cost add-on mechanism for the product.
- Allegro: Fixes for offer synchronization with the store.
- Deliveries: New integration of the store with DPD courier.
- Pack for a gift: We added a free add-on to the Webstore.
- Admin panel: Fix for the look of the widgets on the main page of the panel.
- Orders: Fix for order handling.
- Wholesalers: New integration with Activeshop cosmetics and hairdressing wholesaler.
- Store panel: Adding information about the license and active service at the bottom of the left column.
- Graphics: New "Climb" graphics
Store Update
If you no longer have access to updates, take advantage of the new offer and individual discount.
Updates and technical support are currently offered in the form of subscription plans. As part of this service, we also provide an update to version 8. We have prepared an individual discount for each of our previous customers.
Choose the new SOTESHOP service with an individual discount.
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Through the cooperation of DPD Polska and SOTE, a new integration of the SOTESHOP online store with deliveries provided by DPD has been created. Now you can quickly send a shipment directly from the order, print the label, and your customers will be able to easily track the delivery of their order.
On the occasion of the upcoming holidays, we have a present for our customers - a new application "Wrap for a Gift". The application not only allows you to add the option of packaging the product, but also allows you to specify many packages at different prices and add a ticket. Download the application from the WebStore and check out the new features, free for all SOTESHOP 8 stores.